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Coc Software Built by Electricians for Electricians

Smart Certs is your easy to use coc solution for your electrical business.


Start by downloading our app for either Android or Apple below. Once installed you will need to create and account for your company. After this step you are able to add more team members to your account via the User Management function within the App. Make your coc your own by changing the logo to your own companies logo


Using the App is very straight forward, simply click on create new coc and fill in the required fields. You are able to add upto 8 photos that will be included with your coc and their is a field where you can add as detailed test results as you like. 


Once you submit the coc a PDF copy will be generated and it will be emailed to the user, your office and if you added a customer email in the coc it will send it directly to them as well. You can view your completed cocs in the View Existing Menu. From here you are able to re send them to who ever may require a copy. These are stored for ever as long as you are an account holder. 


Get your guys into the habit of filling in the coc as soon as the job has been completed and save on office admin time!


There are no monthly limits to how many coc's can be generated and the service runs 24/7 so you can generate a coc at any time of the day!

Smart Certs Google Play
Smart Certs App Store
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